My first new film in progress
Hi Everyone, Its a while.... This will be my first movie/short film entitled " Back to Africa from Antigua". At present, we are at a pause after shooting earlier this year. I am seeking an additional producer to help us, also, the places where we started our work needs some cleaning up and I have request assistance, but it doesn't look possible but will see. If it's not possible, I think I may extend an open invitation to the public in Antigua to assist me in a national cleanup day, will be in touch with the relevant authorities and have this plan well. It will not only benefit me but the entire country because daily tourists visit these places to learn of our history. Below are the pics of the historic places... Now it's about completing it. One thing I must say, the more I research about our ancestors it's the more I want to add but I got to be careful not to overdo it. ...