Pslam 20 and 112- Celebrations

Gosh, I am at the office with smiles upon smiles on my face... God Almighty to whom I give ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL thanks too. Little Antigua Barbuda producing high class leaders, communicators and analytical thinkers through Antigua Toastmasters Club ranking that high globally??????????????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being Club President of it is not an easy one but so far, the rewards are paying off 🙂 To GOD I give all the praise and Glory too. This Club that I am president of Antigua Toastmasters Club ranked number 40 out of 14, 700 Toastmasters club. My expression above says it all when saw it on the chart (reposting from my social page account). Handling study courses at the University of the West Indies Open Campus along with my duties of being Club President of the Antigua Toastmasters club, managing high demands along with an advance club Leadership Speak as their secretary, missing both meetings many times and, work commitments sometimes going in with headaches f...