
Reflection of Thanks to God Almighty.

At the end of my reign as President of the Antigua Toastmasters Club in District 81,Caribbean Toastmasters, I lead it at the very top end of the Toastmasters Calendar year June 30 2023. The club globally ranked in the 35th position out of 14, 700 clubs globally, in the Caribbean we ranked number one (1). The team of executives which begun with seven (7) true reality was only three of us, yep you read it right, three - Myself (President), the VPE (second in command) and the Treasurer, everyone else dropped out along the way. I have been sharing my success stories how we made it through with just only the three of us not hiding because leaders within the various clubs may believe that the team comprise of the regular full number every club is to have at the very helm. One thing I always pushed from the beginning of my reign July 1 is believe in your members, don't focus on the goals and all that Toastmasters asks us to go for, none of us and neither the members joined to fulfill that

Let Toastmasters be the means to your end, meeting King Charles.

Be ready in season and out of Season   “…Let Toastmasters be the means to your end…” Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dreams coming true in small river action moves. As a little girl, I always dreamed to meet key influential decision leaders. From an early age, my passion for leadership was ignited through Social Studies classes taught by Ms. Marylin Antonio at T.N. Kirnon Primary School in Junior 3, followed by my time at Princess Margaret Secondary School..." Read more on Southwestern and Central Ontario, Canada District 86 website of my blog. Click on link above.

It is my 40th Birthday!

  "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him". Lamentations 3:22-23. Grateful to God Almighty. I testimony is so much to share. Thrown in the pit and prison by those I love and was dear to me. There were persons I really had high optimism for and with and they turned away from me without giving me the chance to voice my voice. In my reactions to the challenges in the dark days of my life, I hurt those who hurt me and those who tried to help me. Forgive myself and them was a humble pill to swallow but it has been peaceful since I did it. Blessings don't mean material things or how much "elite folks" you know. Life is not measured by those either although material things are needed to help ourselves and others (servants and service). Covid season-eating manner was the in thing like

Pslam 20 and 112- Celebrations

  Gosh, I am at the office with smiles upon smiles on my face... God Almighty to whom I give ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL thanks too. Little Antigua Barbuda producing high class leaders, communicators and analytical thinkers through Antigua Toastmasters Club ranking that high globally??????????????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being Club President of it is not an easy one but so far, the rewards are paying off 🙂  To GOD I give all the praise and Glory too.  This Club that I am president of Antigua Toastmasters Club ranked number 40 out of 14, 700 Toastmasters club. My expression above says it all when saw it on the chart (reposting from my social page account). Handling study courses at the University of the West Indies Open Campus along with my duties of being Club President of the Antigua Toastmasters club, managing high demands along with an advance club Leadership Speak as their secretary, missing both meetings many times and, work commitments sometimes going in with headaches for lack of sle

Awards and Installation Cermony

Tonight, was the Gala affair of Caribbean Toastmasters District 81 Awards and Installation Ceremony on the Caribbean Island of Grenada.  First pic- a surprised screen shot sent to my phone of my appearance on zoom by one of my international mentors.  Second pic- honored with my "sisters" in the District "Train the Trainer (TTT) program" that support the needs of all our members as it relates to:  Encourage planning and growth, Apply the concepts of effective leadership, Answer questions and stimulate discussion, Motivate participants to work together as team members, Incorporate the training and educational programs published by Toastmasters International, Provide the tools to achieve in the Distinguished Club and Distinguished District programs... The skills garnered during the course will benefit the participant in their professional endeavors as a Trainer.  

Grateful for this upgrade.

To the Lord Almighty I give all my thanks.  Deut 12: 7 " There, in the presence  of the  Lord  your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice  in everything you have put your hand to, because the  Lord  your God has blessed you".