Happy Thanksgiving 2024

 " I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thankful!

1-for life and health and strength. entered 2024 being sick and was on sick leave for three months

2-to be there for my uncle who then passed away- it was a rough time, but I believed the word of God James 5:15 along with the prayer warriors at church, many miracles did happen which strengthen my faith deeper in God so much. Although he is no longer hear on earth, his soul was the main focus and he is in Heaven rejoicing with the elders around the throne. 

(James 5:15 says, "And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven")

3-Celebrating two years of employment with my colleague who started the same time with me- we both thank God because we both were home during covid for two years and months

4- to be of a positive impact teaching Vacation Bible School at Solid Rock Church of the Nazarene.

5-for allowing me to travel to Anaheiem Calfornia for the Toastmasters International Convention, we are celebrating 100 years and I finallllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy met all the global leaders i.e we didn't meet in the usual square box (zoom) lol and man who we thought was short is tall, who we thought tall short etc we had loads of fun. So happy to specially meet my leaders from Southwestern and Central Ontario Canada, D86

6-to see my 41st birthday in September

7-for the caring loving hands that will remain private, they are the ones that can pull me up in different ways in love and pushes me forward daily.

8- to be a positive impact weekly to high school students- Ottos Comprehensive School Youth Leadership Program, my goodness these teens are hot and ready to lead our nation, take over from the Prime Minister and his cabinet :-|) 

9- this Thanksgiving Day well night (lol) got a huge surprise, the message said " Congratulations..." Stay tune.

Pastor Chapman, Pastor of Solid Rock Church of the Nazarene. 


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