new gig update

hey hey hey everyone,

well this is just a follow- up on the ad that was done last week Thursday, it went well.

Lawson and his crew for Pallette Designs are professionals and fantastic, clarity though, I played the niece of my aunt in the ad not me being the aunt. lol

Our first shot was done at CMC, this is located just opposite West Bus Station on  Lower Market Street in St. John's, the capital of Antigua. How did I feel that day? Well I must say it felt great and normal, very easy, reason for that because what I was taught at Tasha Smith acting workshop was done, put into practice.

What is my overall objective, I did my substitution and before even starting, I did my gypsie talk after the girl  (Ursella) did my make-up, I did it in a way that nobody or even her would think I was going crazy with laughs though as if  I was laughing on something I saw, that was me freeing up myself so the character can come into play. :D

We got or next shot during the week to complete the advertisment where more of me would be in play, talkingggggggggggg, yep.

Look forward to this and I really look forward to doing more ads, voice overs and on top of that, in film and stage plays internationally and here locally too but more on an international level, my visions and dreams are so big, the limitations on my islands is holding me back and I gotta, I mean, must go and spread my wings open them wider.

Thanking Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Tasha Smith and Steven Spielburg openly now for taking me under them and making my dreams become real.

Blessings everyone, more post to come from me...humbly urs,



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