Word AIDS Day December 1st 2018 Recap (part 1)

Good day to you my readers,

Seasons Greetings, soon it will be Christmas Day that many are looking forward to and for some not many are looking forward to it base on many things and reasons but I pray that you have a peaceful December 2018 preparing for 2019.

On World AIDS Day on Antigua December 1st 2018, The AIDS Secretariat in collaboration with the Motion Picture Association held a Red Carpet and Awards Ceremony followed by a movie locally made by our youths written by a 12yr old.The feedback was fantastic. Per the Director of the AIDS Secretariat Ms. Delcora Williams.."the movie was well put together and told in our way- Antiguan way, Caribbean way..."

During this event, honored was my number one 'local role model' Dr. Sir. Prince Ramsey M.B., K.C.G.C.N.,DSc.,OD., O.M., O.St.J. Family Physician who has lead the fight on HIV/AIDS on my island when it began in the 1980's without scorn or discrimination and still today he is fighting and helping many locally, regionally (the Caribbean) and Internationally where he received the highest honor from the UN a few months ago on his work. It was my first time meeting him and to be standing on his great shoulders as a humanitarian with focus on HIV/AIDS, I am beyond move. At that event I donated something special to the AIDS Secretariat which was a surprise for them ( A follow-up in prt two).See below some photos and stay tune for part two of the surprise donation.
See link on youtube of movie premiere, copy and paste it: https://youtu.be/ZgMNT8H9AuA

                                            Thanks to my sponsors for this lovely attire, accessories and hair style.

               Dr. Sir. Prince Ramsey M.B., K.C.G.C.N.,DSc.,OD., O.M., O.St.J. Family Physician 

 Dr. Noel Howell, Film Director o Little Rude boys, PRO o the Motion Picture Association and driver of the Summer Film Classes on Antigua. ( had my shoes in my hand because my feet were tired but I was wearing my flats :-) always go out ready for anything lol)

                                                           Invitation/ticket for the event.


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