Happy Thanksgiving Day November 2020 in COVID-19 SEASON... "mercy me!".

It may not be what we normally expect but we still must give thanks to God Almighty for life overall to make our lives and those around us better in what ways we can.

Some of us like myself, still laid off since March but making the best use of the downtime, some who are still working but salary is less or for some reduced days or for some same 5/6days a week but reduced hours still making the best of it. We think to ourselves "what on earth to be thankful for"? Some of us lost loved ones through various ways and not just from the COVID-19 but we still give thanks because their death same way open our eyes to a deeper reality that we must be good to everyone, forgive quickly, grow abundantly, live by faith until the hope becomes solid in our hands to make our best move to help ourselves and someone else life better. I had to repeat  it again because life is never about our own individual self.

I did something I never thought of doing, using virtual means to create online discussions with key persons in the film and entertainment industry then upload and share on my YouTube page Francoise Bowen. Though the viewership of my series "Lights. Camera. Safety" is low, I still give God thanks for opening my eyes to take my company Francoise Acting Studio Antigua to another level up and thanks to those who watched it, thanks also to those who accepted my invitation through being on air with me to ask my guests questions. Yes I did get discourage that even through personal invitations the numbers grew so low where they didn't show up, I kept on going. Yep, part of the growing pains of an entrepreneur but very valuable lessons thought through it. 

To anyone who have not watched any of it, go straight to the playlist and chose your preferred item to watch, see link below:

(17) "Lights. Camera. Safety Series" - YouTube

Thanks to my following guests:

Visit my two Instagram pages: the business for film:

and my Humanitarian Page HIV/AIDS and Us


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