2020, You have been good to me :-)

Did I type in the title "2020, you have been good to me :-) "

Yep I did.

Now, this is not a blog about I got my work all sorted out and making 10figures nor is it about I opened a new company for my HIV/AIDS work and the Queen of England highly recommended it plus gave me an award on the palace lawn with her sword on my shoulders nor is it about receiving the highest honor from my island nor is it about my acting studio finally receiving a home of its own by my sacrifices made.


March 28th 2020 was my last work day at the hotel and since then, I have been home (9 months). So how is it for me thus far? We are in December and I looking back at 2020, I look back with thanks in my heart and from my lips. God has been merciful and gracious to me, it really pays to live by faith because "faith is Heaven's currency". Let me speak from a broad view, on my island Antigua/Barbuda, we have 7 active cases and 4 deaths, Glory to God in the Highest for this. Now to "personal", the provisions of God hands helping me to maneuver is beyond me. Awesome God, wonderous God! My thanks to my church St. Johnson's church of the Nazarene for financially helping me these months, so timely for me to be able to pay my monthly utilities, purchase dry food ingredients to cook etc. What is taught from the Bible, my church practices it and hence I can say they not only say it but also live it. 

My aunt in New York who would help me in whatever way she can also made the great mountain become movable for me. There are things I never did before while working that now not working I did, e.g took the company on a virtual platform to have discussions with reputable persons within the film industry from the USA to speak to persons via ZOOM, major leap there. Doing online courses and classes- major self development leap for me, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp soul searching that money cannot do- major spiritual development leap for me.

To admit here, one time I broke down crying uncontrollably asking why no positive responses yet on jobs I have applied to? Why the hotel hasn't paid severance yet? Depending on others to feed you, it feels like you are powerless and you begin to question yourself like- have a sinned? didn't I do for the church? what happened to my tithes and offerings and sow seeds etc then while sobbing, I heard a voice whisper " its not by works but by faith", two scripter verses came front to me and then I begun rejoicing and still do this day.

So why 2020 was good to me and you not working and no income in your hands yet? It's been good to me because what I needed changed within me, what I needed to unlearn-learn-relearn about me-about life-about the corporate world that is going forward into everything tech and online was not achievable in pre-covid. I do extend sympathy to those who lost loved ones because with the wind of change through the plague, came deaths.

New Years message January 2020 was Isaiah 43:19 King James Version -- Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.  

Did we expect it to be this way through COVID-19? nope, but God knew this was gonna happen and gave us insight of new things ahead in 2020 and beyond, AI increased dramatically, online services leaped, the tech world grew overnight or I should say, the fruits ripe right on time for us all to pick and eat and every lesson right now we must cling to them for the new world we now begun to live in. 

I am reminded of the history of change through the book "Business Secretes from the Bible"- Rabbi Daniel Lapin the following: "Henry Ford's Model T automobile first arrived in 1908. By 1914, a quarter million autos were bring built each year. This was truly terrible for people who had spent years in the horse-wagon business. In the year 1900, about 110,000 people were employed building or repairing  carriages and harnesses. Nearly 250,000 blacksmiths lived and worked in America that year fitting shoes on countless horses. And thousands more earned a living by sweeping tons of horse manure off city streets. But the coming of the first mass-produced automobile meant that jobs in the horse-driven transport business quickly vanished. The end of the horse-drawn era was tough on many, but those who simply couldn't divorce themselves from the past deprived themselves of the blessings that were rolling down the new highways. There were soon far more automobiles than there had ever been horses and carriages, and along with the cascade of cars, came not thousands, but millions of new jobs. All those wagon builders, harness makers, wheel makers, horseshoe smiths, and manure street sweepers who were capable and accepting of change now had exciting new possibilities at their disposal...every act of breaking, changing, or separating, as painful as it always is, can launch is into something new that carries us further down the path of our development as individuals, as a nation, and as the human family of God's children."

From the beginning of this world wide event, my words: whether this plague is man-made or God- made where we read the plagues in Egypt sent just for us to be free from pharaoh through Moses, God Almighty is in control and not man", even if it this pandemic was made by man, God is in control and have the last say. Colossians 1:16-17 brings me peace "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."

NOW, it's time for me to be employed again, back at the bottom to rebuild again but this time, WISER.

My needs and work (purpose) takes funding ( A LOT), I rather give my thanks to 2020, won't be ungrateful because being grateful releases blessing where no man can stop God from pouring out. " He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for HIS name sake... thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, thou anointest my head with oil, my cup overflows, surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me ALL the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever. -Psalms 23. Christ coming soon as we achieve things in life, we must always remember that and along the way of achieving, help others. 


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