Major congratulations to my last sister for my dad!!!!

Today January 10th 2021, history was made on Antigua/Barbuda.

It was one that from the Governor General of Antigua/Barbuda Sir. Dr. Rodney Williams to the Prime Minister of Antigua/Barbuda Hon. Gaston Brown and the entire nation stand in high applaud and with pride. My last sister walked the aisle of UWI - UWI (University of the West Indies) Five Island Mona Campus on Antigua/Barbuda, she achieve her Post Graduate in Education, she is among the very first set of students to graduate from this prestigious UWI campus and to top it off- ALL WOMEN.

My tears are of three languages that I will carry to my grave but the most important thing is that daddy words though he is dead is alive. 

If daddy was alive, I telling you guys, virus or none, he will gather the entire family at large to attend the graduation and we will wait outside on the compound until the ceremony is done and for us all to take pictures, my dad would have worn his bell bottom pants with his hard shoe and a loose Miami shirt and his hair well greased and done by the barber looooooool Daddy wasn't easy cause all he knows is, he going one of his daughter's graduation and he happy and will wear what he thinks comfortable for him just as long as he is there lool.

Due to COVID, the graduation was "finger full" but aired lived on UWI TV and also on facebook. 

I so happy for my sister Lakiesha, it wasn't an easy ride for her and if anyone knew her behind the scenes during her studies, little more she would have lost it totally. One time she snapped at me sooooooooo hard that I stood on the end of the phone in shock and actually cried my eyes out unknown to her (and she did apologize to me) but I never stopped praying for her and encouraging her (not sure if she will let anyone know).

Two things under her belt- after completing her secondary school- Clare Hall Secondary School (high school) she went to the USA and studied at Monroe College and received her achieved degree of study there in what she majored in. She returned back home to Antigua/Barbuda and now graduated from UWI with her masters.

Letters behind my little sister name and more she will achieve. I celebrate her right through though we are both aware that one of our sisters hate it with a passion lol (sickening I say) BUT life is about progress cause what is achieved will certainly help the world be a better place.

( Listen I was "screen shotting" and saving back and forth on both pages for UWI loool cause I don't want to miss nada of the ceremony).

Much love to my lil last sister Lakiesha R Mack.

( I had to comment during the live on facebook!) went back to screen shot it after the ceremony was done) :-) 


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